We had the opportunity to meet Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, the master Kundalini Yoga teacher and co-founder of Golden Bridge Yoga. Here is the transcript of the video which is uploaded on YouTube.
Hi everyone,
This is Valdet from Aroma Veda, thank you for joining Aroma Veda's Youtube Channel. I hope this finds you and your loved ones in good health and good spirits considering these momentous times. It is through Aroma Veda that I have decided to make it my mission to spread the goodness and the wisdom of Ayurveda all around the world.
In an attempt to share the views on the topic of Ayurveda with Masters in the world of Yoga, I have decided to meet with someone whom I consider a Giant in the world of Yoga. Her name is Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. For anyone who doesn't know who Gurmukhji is, she is the co-founder of Golden Bridge Yoga. She is a teacher of Kundalini Yoga who's been teaching Kundalini Yoga worldwide for over 40 years. I am truly delighted and honored that she would take time out of a very busy schedule of traveling around the world, teaching and tending to her own garden to speak with me today on the topic of Ayurveda.
I hope everyone benefits from my interview with her and finds it as contemporaneous and timeless as I did. You'll notice that in the interview there is a bit of static in our voices, that's because of bandwidth issues we were having. But you can always find a transcript of our interview on Aroma-Veda.com. I hope you'll enjoy the video and for more videos like this and knowledge about Aroma Veda's Ayurvedic products please subscribe and share this with your family and loved ones. Thank you!
Valdet: Good Morning everyone, I am here with Gurmukhji, a Master Kundalini Yoga teacher who teaches worldwide and has spent decades of her life waking up people through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, waking up their life light I'd like to say. And I am delighted and honored that she is here with us today to discuss on the topic of Ayurveda and what that means... and the future of Ayurveda and how to incorporate some of its practices into our life. Thank you so much Gurmukhji.
Well, the first question I have for your today is - what does Ayurveda mean to you, how do you incorporate it in your life?
Gurmukhji: To me, Ayurveda is a simple situation, and it's has been made so complicated like so many other things, because it goes into the mental realm. But Ayurveda started from true spirit, it came from the creator and it came through all the lineages of India, to Tibet to where it is today, but it's basically a balance in your life of earth, air, water, fire and ether and if one can bring that balance into play. You may call it Ayurveda, but it may be another name with an indigenous tribe in the Amazon. It's the same Universal, nothing can be secular it has to pertain to the whole.So when your life, including your food, your breath, your home, your environment, your work your family. Every single thing can come into that balance of earth, air, water, fire, and ether then you are living a life of a Yogi and an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
Valdet: Thank you so much!
Valdet: The second question I have for you is that the prevalence of Yoga has grown so much, exponentially in the last 40 years and Ayurveda is a little bit behind. So I was curious what your thoughts are on the future of Ayurveda because it does seem to be having more of a presence now in the West especially since I began studying only ten years ago. What do you think the future of Ayurveda is?
Gurmukhji: I think because it's so old and it still continues gives it validity. I think also if you meet Ayurvedic practitioners and those who are living those teachings you tend to want to be like them. So I think it will grow, especially with our challenges right now, that people will have to shift their way of life, their way of thinking, what they eat, what they do, every single thing to stay healthy they'll turn to something so ancient as Ayurveda, yes.
My experience with Ayurveda very quickly though is in India, so many people don't live the balance of the five anymore, they've become "modern" "McDonald's Modern". And so they get out of balance and then they don't know what to do, because they just haven't experienced that from generation to generation to generation and so they run to some Ayurvedic spa and they are half dead and then they try to revamp them. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't but often they go back to their way of life - which is what caused them to go to the clinic (Spa).
For me, it's keeping the balance on a daily basis, not waiting till you have to do a whole cleanse or a whole fast or whole everything... which I believe in if you eat and be balanced then you don't need that big recovery. I think Ayurveda will be one of the most leading medicines if I can use that word loosely that will come into play in the Piscean Age. Yes. And into the Aquarian Age which we are entering now.
Valdet: It makes me so happy!
Valdet: My last question for you, an important question. Ayurveda places an enormous focus, and emphasis on digestive health, and in Yoga I did my Yoga teacher training. The food we take in as Yogic practitioners is so extremely important and it is linked to Spiritual Progress. I wanted to get your thoughts on diet and Spiritual Progress. Why is our diet so important in our lives? Taking care of a healthy clean, Prana filled diet?
Gurmukhji: Why is it? Because this (body) is our Temple! And what you put into your body, people are just learning it so slowly this, (Pause) that what you put in affects your brain, affects your heart affects your organs your everything about you, your skin. Every single thing! And it's always been disregarded. And we watch all the new products that are so "anti" that. Krispy Kreme, Burger King. All of that will never give you “Oneness” with “Creator”.
And so the purpose of why we were born is very important to contemplate. And what we have to do this life and our life's work... and then to take the interior body accordingly to that I believe will help people a lot.
Valdet: Thank you much Gurmukhji for answering those three questions.I hope people really benefit from the wisdom you've shared and it sparks interest so that they begin to get on their own path of wanting to know more about Ayurveda and Yoga if they don't already and see if they can incorporate the beautiful wisdom and some of the practices into their daily life.
Thank you so much.
Sat Nam
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