Private Yoga Lessons

Yogis looking for a customized program attentive to their specific needs find my Private Yoga sessions to be of enormous value. Whether you are at an advanced, intermediate or beginner level, I curate a specific lesson plan that helps you strengthen your practice and enjoy your progress! I also take into account your lifestyle, other fitness routines that you may have so my sessions expand your fitness and wellness horizons. My program is highly recommended if you have plateaued in your Yoga practice at a Studio or just want to mix things up to challenge yourself. I am also delighted to be able to teach Yoga for Senior Citizens and Children's Yoga & Meditation.
I bring to bear Classical Yoga (as practiced in India for thousands of years), Yin Yoga, Vinyasa, Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga and meditation practices. What also makes me unique is my Ayurvedic approach to yoga sessions. I love to take into account a persons constitution, time of the day we practice and a seasonal approach when structuring my classes. 
Semi private classes top out at 3 people per session, I focus on your form in class, strength-building & flexibility while nurturing results in your life-state, e.g. the ability to relax, sleep better etc. I highly recommend a once to twice a week training schedule (1 hour per class). 
I conduct Private Yoga sessions in the Bay Area and via Zoom.

Please email me at and I will be delighted to get you started!  

With love and light,

Valdet Demiri


My Credentials:

Yoga & Ayurveda at Arsha Yoga Vidya Peetam Trust in Coimbatore, India

Hatha & Ashtanga teacher certification at Ayurveda Retreat Hospital in Coonoor, India

Ayurvedic Nutrition under Dr. Naina Marballi, New York